Tuesday, June 03, 2003
republicans, duke fans and the problems of dating...
what? I just found out that my good friend is not only a republican (with barry goldwater as her hero!) but she's a duke fan. i always get on fine with republicans, but a duke fan? this is hard to take.
Dating is flawed: as my friend brooke says "it isn't about meeting interesting people" it is about *dating* -- interesting isn't the game or the objective. But, i like interesting people. i enjoy them. i meet many interesting people. people who i want to spend time with. people that i learn from. however, i meet very few people that i would actually be interested in dating. perhaps the flaw is not in dating, but me? nah.....
don't dream it's over: how could they remake this song? the woman has no passion, she sings this song with a whine. yuck. long live neil finn! six pence none the poorer!
what the government needs is technology: technology used to create integrated social services from the DMV to welfare. A single entry system, which could actually track if you qualified for one social service and let you know that then you also qualified for another one. The government needs to be the most effective data manager in the world. our government still uses carbon paper. not good.