Monday, May 10, 2004
pictures of people i love
i am having a wonderful time in DC.
this is a picture of dana and jb in front of the Dirt campaign sign at the bus stop close to JB's work. I love LOVE this picture.
jb tried to grab something. he is being restrained.
we are fuzzy. damn my cam. Dana. Karl. Me. JB. Off to the Duplex Diner go we.
JB runs this lovely wine shop. He's very smooth. They have a really cool way of organizing their wines. definitely worth a look.
ok, i'm still kind of too drunk to be blogging.
ciao ciao.
¤ posted by Natala : 5/10/2004 10:05:00 PM
I suppose this is my chance for a "Special Guest" Blog opportunity. I won't pass it up.
Natala has been pleasure to host. I'm a little shocked that she didn't mention the canoe trip to Roosevelt Island, a highlight indeed. I've had a great time showing her how lovely my world has become now that I don't work for a big bad investment bank and happily live 3,000 miles from my mother. (Mom, if you're reading this... know that I write that with love.)
Lastly, that one picture of us on island would have been soooo much better with my hand on your breast.
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Natala has been pleasure to host. I'm a little shocked that she didn't mention the canoe trip to Roosevelt Island, a highlight indeed. I've had a great time showing her how lovely my world has become now that I don't work for a big bad investment bank and happily live 3,000 miles from my mother. (Mom, if you're reading this... know that I write that with love.)
Lastly, that one picture of us on island would have been soooo much better with my hand on your breast.