Natala la la la ... ... ...


Thursday, December 02, 2004

another reason not to move to provo... 

Source: Children's Art Prints

I heard this bit on NPR yesterday about a woman in Provo, UT who tried to adopt a kitten for her children but was denied because she already owned two cats. Yes, i'm serious. Turns out there's a law in Provo that limits each household to two pets. Although the law is slightly unclear, it says you can have two dogs or two cats...and it is generally extrapolated to say that you could have a cat and a dog...but you definitley cannot have two cats and a dog. That would make you a law-breaker. Yep. It brings up some interesting ideas -- how many pets should a household have? What if you have fish? Are they counted in your pet count? What about chickens? Do you need to get a farm license? These are seriously the things that the people of Provo are going to have to figure out...
