Friday, December 24, 2004
no meth for me...
did you know there are limits on how much cold/allergy medication you can buy at once? I had no idea. i have a little bit of a cold or maybe allergies....so tonight after the christmas eve festivities, i went to walgreens in search of cold medication (NyQuil) and a sweater de-piller. I didn't find a de-piller :( but i did find good meds. When i went to buy these three items: NyQuil, DayQuil and Sudafed I was told that I had exceeded my purchase limit of cold/allergy medications and that I would need to be rung up seperately if i wanted to buy all these meds at once. Which was fine for me, but seemed like a common practice for the clerk and a clear disobedience of the intention of the law...
¤ posted by Natala : 12/24/2004 10:55:00 PM