Monday, June 27, 2005
formatting gone haywire...
For those of you actually visiting my blog (i.e. not reading it via bloglines/RSS) you might notice that the formatting has gone a little bit screwy. It looks like, according to a post on the Blogger Status Blog and on Blogger Buzz, that the new blogger release of image hosting has caused some blog formats to go askew -- and mine was one of them. Now, all things considered my blog template is pretty much a hacked piece of code mangled further by me :) ... but i've sent an e-mail on to blogger support and so hopefully we'll be able to save my format...if not, i may actually have to re-do my blog format which i've been considering doing for months...but need something to get me to actually *have to* do it...
If you feel the need to see what my blog used to look like, check out the wayback machine :)