Natala la la la ... ... ...


Saturday, September 24, 2005

almost off the grid... 

something wierd is happening with my internet. I can't access my gmail account AND i can't access bloglines! Given that probably 50% of my online time is spent between these two locations (the other 50% spent searching,'ing or tadalist-ing...and excluding time spent IMing)...i'm feeling pretty out of the loop. at least i can blog.

what is wierder is the message i am getting from the bloglines plumber:


I'm the Bloglines Plumber. Bloglines is down for scheduled maintenance. We will be back at 10:15Pm Pacific Time, Friday Sept 9, 2005. Bloglines will be all better when I'm done with it.

The Bloglines Plumber

September 9th?? am i in some time warp?

Gmail is giving me the standard, annoyingly cute:

Server Error

Gmail is temporarily unavailable. Cross your fingers and try again in a few minutes. We're sorry for the inconvenience.

Given that it has been two hours, i'm thinking there is something afoot...